

Vallerand, R.J. On the role of passion in a fulfilling life. Keynote to be presented at the International Congress of Psychology, July 2024, Prague, Tchek Republic.


Vallerand, R.J. (2023) Passion and addiction: Theory, research, and future directions. Keynote to be presented at the 8th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions, August 23-25 2023, Seoul, South Korea.

Vallerand, R.J. (2023) Passion and addiction: Theory, research, and future directions. Keynote to be presented at the 8th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions, August 23-25 2023, Seoul, South Korea.

Vallerand, R.J. The role of passion in optimal functioning and resilience : Contributions to positive psychology. Conférencier principal au World Congress on Positive Psychology, Vancouver, Juillet 2023. (cancelled for health reasons).

Vallerand, R.J. The role of passion in resilience. Conférencier principal au International Self-determination theory conference. Orlando, Floride, 3 Juin 2023.

Vallerand, R.J. The Role of passion in positive psychology: Theory, research, and new directions. Conférencier principal au Polish International positive psychology Conference, 2 Juin 2022. (cancelled for health reasons).

Vallerand, R.J. (2023) The role of passion and emotions in resilience. Keynote to be presented at the Self and Identity Preconference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA, February 23, 2023.


Vallerand, R.J. (2022) The Role of passion in positive psychology: Theory, research, and new directions. Polish International positive psychology Conference, June 2nd 2022, online Keynote.

Vallerand, R.J. (2022) The Role of passion in sport and exercise psychology. VI International Congress of Sport Psychology, April 30th 2022, online Keynote.

Vallerand, R.J. The Role of passion in positive psychology: Theory, research, and new directions. Spanish conference in positive psychology (Madrid, Espagne), May 12th 2022, online Keynote.


Vallerand, R.J. On the role of passion in a fulfilling life. Keynote Address, International Congress of Psychology, July 2021, Prague, Czech Republic.

Vallerand, R.J. Le role de la passion dans la persistence: Nouvelles perspectives (The Role of passion in persistence: New perspectives). 88th Congress of ACFAS, Sherbrooke, Qc, May 4th 2021.

Vallerand, R.J. Le rôle de la passion dans le fonctionnement optimal. Congrès International de psychologie positive francophone.  June 2 2021.

Vallerand, R.J. From intrinsic motivation to passion : A scientific journey. The Dorothy Harris Memorial Lecture, Penn State University, le March 18 2021.

Valelrand, R.J. The role of passion in extremism. Invited Talk, Pre-conference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, February 10 2021.


Vallerand, R.J. Entre passion et raison. Forum International Sciences et société. November 7th 2020.

Vallerand, R.J. The role of passion in sport: Theory, research, and applications. VI International Colloquium of Sports Psychology, 12 octobre 2020, Monterrey, Mexico.

Vallerand, R.J. On the role of passion in a fulfilling life. Keynote Address (Conférence Principale) qui sera présentée lors du International Congress of Psychology, 20 juillet 2020, Prague, Republique Tchèque.

Vallerand, R.J. The role of passion in addiction: Theory and Research. Keynote at the 7th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions, Nottingham, UK, June 22nd 2019.

Vallerand, R.J. The role of passion in positive psychology. Keynote, 4th conference of Positive Psychology, Bydgoszcz, Pologne, June 15-17  2020.

Vallerand, R.J. The role of passion in positive psychology: Theory, research, and applications. Opening Keynote at the 5th Western Positive Psychology Association Conference, Claremont, CA, January 25th 2020.

Vallerand, R.J. Passion In Sports: Theory and Research. Workshop, Positive Sport And Peak Performance Psychology Lab, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA, January 24th 2020.


Vallerand, R.J. On the Determinants and Outcomes of Passion : Contributions to Positive Psychology. Keynote address, 6th World Congress on Positive Psychology, Melbourne, Australie, juillet 2019.

Vallerand, R.J. New developments on a theory of passion. Keynote Address  lors du 2nd International Conference on Positive Psychology, Metz, France, Mai 2019 (Not presented for health reasons).

Vallerand, R.J. New developments on a theory of passion. Keynote Address  lors du 7th International Conference on Self-Determination Theory, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, Mai 2019 (Not presented for health reasons).


Vallerand, R.J. On the psychology of passion. Invited Address to be delivered at the American Psychologial Association Convention, August, 2018, San Francisco, CA (to officially receive the William James Award at the convention).

Vallerand, R.J. On the psychology of passion: Classic and novel perspectives. Keynote Address to be delivered at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada, June, 2018.

Vallerand, R.J. New Perspectives on the psychology of passion. Keynote Address to be delivered at the Bi-annual conference of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association, May 2018, Toronto, Canada.

Vallerand, R.J. The role of passion in successful education. Closing Keynote Address to be delivered at the 7th International Conference on Educational Success, April 27th 2018, Quebec City.

Vallerand, R.J. Passion and successful engagement in sport and exercise: Theory and Research. Keynote to be presented at the X International congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology, April 20th 2018, Curitiba, Brazil.


Vallerand, R.J. The role of passion in optimal functioning. Keynote to be presented at the International Symposium on Gymnastics, Montreal, October 8th 2017.

Vallerand, R.J. New developments on a theory of passion. Invited Address to be delivered at the Fifth World Congress on Positive Psychology, July 14th 2017.

Vallerand, R.J. Le Rôle de la passion dans le fonctionnement optimal. Keynote to be presented Colloque de L’Association des Professeurs de Psychologie du Réseau Collégial du Québec (APPRCQ, St-Alexis des Monts, QC, June 5th 2017.

Vallerand, R.J. Les deux chemins menant à l’excellence : Le rôle de la passion dans notre vie. Keynote,  Indian Ocean Conference on Positive Psychology, St-Denis, La Réunion, May 12th 2017.

Vallerand, R.J. Passion : Théorie, recherches et applications. Keynote, Journée scientifique, UQTR, April 19th 2017. Trois-Rivières, QC.

Valllerand, R.J. La Psychologie de la Passion : Théorie, recherches récentes. Opening Keynote, Congrès scientifique, UQAM, March 17 2017. Montreal, QC.


Vallerand, R.J. On the role of passion in positive psychology: Current perspectives and future directions. Keynote address, Summit on Positive Psychology, Philadelphia, October 22nd 2016.

Vallerand, R.J. On the psychology of passion: Theory and Research. Keynote Address delivered at the 6th International Self-Determination Theory Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada, June, 2016.

Vallerand, R.J. Passion for sport and exercise: Theory and Research. Keynote Address delivered at the Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention, Victoria, BC, Canada, June, 2016.

Vallerand, R.J. New developments on a theory of passion. Keynote Address delivered at the Canadian Positive Psychology Association Conference, Niagara on the Lake, June 16th 2016.

Vallerand, R.J. Positive Psychology: Where are we now and where are we going again? Keynote Address delivered at the Canadian Positive Psychology Association Conference, Niagara on the Lake, June 15th 2016.

Vallerand, R.J. It’s about Time: The Role of Passion in Integrated Temporal Positivity and Optimal Functioning. Keynote Address delivered at the European Congress on Positive Psychology, Angers, France, July 3rd 2016.

Vallerand, R.J. Positive psychology and changing the world in harmony: On the role of passion for a cause. Keynote address delivered at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, July 25th 2016.


Vallerand, R.J. The role of passion in thriving organizations. Keynote Address, 5th International Conference on Happiness at work, Coruna, Spain, June 2015.

Vallerand, R.J. In making life worth living: The Role of Passion. Keynote Address, 2nd International Chinese Positive Psychology Conference, Beijin, July 2015.

Vallerand, R.J. On the role of passion in positive psychology. Keynote address, SELF Conference, Bernd, Germany, August 21st, 2015.


Vallerand, R.J. The role of passion in people’s lives. Keynote address presented at the European Congress on Positive Psychology, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 3 2014.

Vallerand, R.J. On the psychology of passion. Keynote address presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France, July 13 2014.

Vallerand, R.J. The role of passion in optimal functioning in society. Closing keynote address presented at the 2nd Canadian Conference on Positive Psychology, Ottawa, On, Canada, July 18 2014.

Vallerand, R.J. On the psychology of passion: Theory and research. Keynote address to come, the Zubek Lecture, University of Manitoba, October 23rd 2014.

Vallerand, R.J. The psychology of passion: Theory, research, and method. Keynote address, Institute of Positive Psychology and Education, Australian Catholic University, November 26 2014, Sydney, Australia.


Vallerand, R.J. The role of passion in positive psychology. Keynote presented at the 2nd Czech Republic Conference on Positive psychology, Brno, Czech Republic, May 22-24, 2013.

Vallerand, R.J. The role of passion in people’s lives! Keynote presented at the Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Québec, QC, Canada, June 14, 2013.

Vallerand, R.J. On motivational processes: From motivation to passion. Keynote presented at the 3rd World Congress on positive psychology, Los Angeles, CA, USA, June 28, 2013.


Vallerand, R.J. On the role of passion in healthy living. The Jones Lectureship keynote address presented at the College of Health, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, April 19, 2012.

Vallerand, R.J. The role of passion in leading a happy, fulfilling life. Keynote presented at the Venezuelan Positive Psychology Conference, June 8, 2012.

Vallerand, R.J. The role of passion in making life worth living. Keynote presented at the 6th European Congress on Positive Psychology, Moscow, Russia, June 28, 2012.

Vallerand, R.J. On the role of passion in positive psychology. Keynote presented to the First Congress of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association, Toronto, Canada, July 20, 2012.

Vallerand, R.J. The role of passion in healthy living. The Richard K. Reznick Wilson Centre Research Day Keynote address (University of Toronto), Toronto, Canada, October 12, 2012.

Vallerand, R.J. Passion: Making a difference in people’s lives. Keynote presented at the Australian Conference on Mind and its Potential, Sydney, Australia, October 29, 2012.


Vallerand, R.J. Passion for leisure activities: Weaving in new threads. Keynote address presented at the Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, Ste Catherines, Ontario, Canada, May 21, 2011.

Vallerand, R.J. From motivation to passion: In search of the springs of action. Keynote address (for the Donald O. Hebb Award), Toronto, Canada, June 4, 2011.

Vallerand, R.J. On the role of passion in people’s lives: Theory and research. Keynote address presented at the International Self Conference, Quebec, QC, Canada, June 19-22, 2011.

Vallerand, R.J. Passion in sport and exercise: Theory and research. Keynote address (Human Kinetics Lecture) presented at the North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) conference, Burlington, VT, USA, June 9, 2011.

Vallerand, R.J. The role of passion in optimal functioning in society. Keynote address presented at the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA), Philadelphia, USA, July 23-26, 2011.

Vallerand, R.J. The psychology of passion: Theoretical and empirical perspectives. Kenan keynote lecture presented at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, USA, September 15, 2011.


Vallerand, R.J. La passion dans nos vies: Les deux côtés de la médaille. Closing Keynote Address of the psychology undergraduate conference “Psycolloque”, Saguenay, QC, Canada, February 27, 2010.

Vallerand, R.J. Passion in sport and exercise: Theory, research, and applications. Keynote address presented at the Eastern Canada Sport & Exercise Psychology Symposium (ECSEPS), Montreal, QC, Canada, March 26, 2010.

Vallerand, R.J. Passion and optimal functioning in society. Keynote address presented at the 4th International Self-Determination Theory Conference, Ghent, Belgium, May 13-15, 2010.

Vallerand, R.J. On the Role of Passion for Sport and Physical Activity in a Fulfilling Life. Keynote address presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia, July 11-16, 2010.

Vallerand, R.J. On the differential role of passion in life outcomes: Contributions of harmonious and obsessive passion. International Congress of differential psychology, Marseilles, France, August 25-27, 2010.

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